Turn 7 - Zanzetkuken

Page last edited 4,208 days ago
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Summary[edit | edit source]

This turn brought us the lizardfolk, large bipedal lizards and the Dragonkin, bipedal draco-morphed lizardfolk who share a fierce rivalry with each other. Regrettably due to time constraints Dragonkin lacked an entity file. Also included are Wandering Spirits which are exactly what they sound like, they were originally intended to be weak against Aeresium (which only lizardfolk could make weapons out of using a lizardfolk forge), but instead can't be hurt nor hurt others due to lacking a core and simply wander blindly til they melt to death leaving melted ether behind, this was deemed more interesting and left as it was. Also of note were the dragons added, 17 different types, for example: zanzetkuken's mountain dragon or orind's freshwater dragon.

Main Modder Contributions[edit | edit source]

Zanzetkuken The Great was the modder of turn 7. His contributions were the following:

Additional Contributions[edit | edit source]

Also added this turn was:

  • Addition/Bug-fix by User

Download[edit | edit source]

DF from scratch - Zanzetkuken's turn