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Formics are a sapient race of humanoid ants. Their society is heavily regimented by a biological caste system and religious devotion to their immortal Queens, though the queens prefer to let the lesser castes run the nation while they breed.

Formics are a playable race in DFFS, based on a regimented biological caste system modeled on ants. Their species is split into four castes, each with differing natural abilities; they are covered in more depth here.

Their civilzation's ethical views are controversial to non-Formics, looking upon the killing of neutral beings as a personal matter. They tend not to punish trespassing severely, and fully accept cannibalism and consumption of other sapient beings - not a philosophy that has endeared them to others. Oath-breaking and treason, though, are absolutely unthinkable; loyalty to the Hive and to the Queen is absolute.

And yet, despite this loyalty, they retain enough individualism that some eccentrics strike out on their own and form bandit camps that you can find in Adventure Mode.