MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
meta=notifications (not)
- This module requires read rights.
- Source: Echo
- License: MIT
Get notifications waiting for the current user.
- notwikis
List of wikis to fetch notifications from (defaults to only current wiki).
- Values (separate with | or alternative): *, dfscratch_wiki
- Default: dfscratch_wiki
- notfilter
Filter notifications returned.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): !read, read
- Default: read|!read
- notprop
Details to request.
- Values (separate with | or alternative): count, list, seenTime
- Default: list
- notsections
The notification sections to query (i.e. some combination of 'alert' and 'message').
- Values (separate with | or alternative): alert, message
- Default: alert|message
- notgroupbysection
Whether to group the result by section. Each section is fetched separately if set.
- Type: boolean (details)
- notformat
If specified, notifications will be returned formatted this way.
- model
- Raw notification data
- special
- Formatted for Special:Notifications page (and only that!) Do not rely on the HTML as it may change at any given time.
- flyout
- Deprecated. Use notformat=model for raw data
- html
- Deprecated. Use notformat=model for raw data
- One of the following values: flyout, html, model, special
- notlimit
The maximum number of notifications to return.
- Type: integer or max
- The value must be between 1 and 50.
- Default: 20
- notcontinue
When more results are available, use this to continue.
- notunreadfirst
Whether to show unread notifications first (only used if groupbysection is not set).
- Type: boolean (details)
- nottitles
Only return notifications for these pages. To get notifications not associated with any page, use [] as a title.
- Separate values with | or alternative.
- Maximum number of values is 50 (500 for clients that are allowed higher limits).
- notbundle
Whether to show bundle compatible unread notifications according to notification types bundling rules.
- Type: boolean (details)
- notalertcontinue
When more alert results are available, use this to continue.
- notalertunreadfirst
Whether to show unread message notifications first (only used if groupbysection is set).
- Type: boolean (details)
- notmessagecontinue
When more message results are available, use this to continue.
- notmessageunreadfirst
Whether to show unread alert notifications first (only used if groupbysection is set).
- Type: boolean (details)
- notcrosswikisummary
True to opt in to a summary notification of notifications on foreign wikis.
- Type: boolean (details)
- List notifications
- api.php?action=query&meta=notifications [open in sandbox]
- List notifications, grouped by section, with counts
- api.php?action=query&meta=notifications¬prop=count¬sections=alert|message¬groupbysection=1 [open in sandbox]